Christopher Morris
Pre digital, my day to day film camera was the Mamiya RZ67 Pro II. I shot predominantly with the standard 110mm, but when it came to group portraits, particularly bands, I used the 65mm, and for beauty and tight portraits the 150mm.
I still use this system for my personal work. When shooting this format, your style of shooting becomes quite considered.
When switching over to digital for work, my only way to adopt a similar approach was to shoot with only prime lenses, hence my Canon 50mm f/1.2 barely comes off the body.
I’ve also inserted a 4×5 guide on the ground glass so that when I shoot portrait it’s a more square format than the regular 35mm, which is always way too long for editorial.
Currently, I work as a freelance fashion (guide here), portrait and exhibiting photographer.
Since 2003 I have had work published across major fashion and music titles, both locally and internationally, and worked commercially for major brands.
Last year I held my second solo exhibition, in conjunction with my first publication, both entitled Yo No Hablo Espanol, published by Izrock press.
Other notable exhibitions include my first solo show Tumbleweed in 2009 and exhibiting at the National Portrait Gallery of Australia.
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