Comments on: 14 Best Stock Photography Sites | Earn Money in 2023 The World's Best Photographers & their Camera Gear Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:08:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Emil Mon, 26 Sep 2022 12:04:45 +0000 I’ve been doing this for many years now and I can tell you with certainty that stock photography is not worth the time for 99% of people. You used to make a decent amount but now you have these websites giving your work away for free…

By: ahmed Sun, 04 Sep 2022 01:12:38 +0000 In reply to Nic.

LGBTQ + ?? Realy
Are you proud of that?
My friend, homosexuality is a relapse in human nature
You should never be proud of this! It’s a disaster!
God, the Almighty, the Creator, who created us, is angry with humans for this sin
He destroyed the villages of the people of Lot, as is well known, because of their denial of the Messengers and because they committed that immorality!

By: esra Tue, 12 Jul 2022 15:51:14 +0000 Hi everybody, there is a large list of stock photos and daily curated feeds you can reach from Designer Daily Report chrome extension. I know its important to be up-to-date. By the way it is such a tool that puts everything together with related fields . Enjoy it have a nice day :)

By: Mark Thu, 28 Apr 2022 14:24:10 +0000 Loved your article. I’m currently uploading to 3 sites and do it as a hobby. Like with everything it requires hard work due to competition. But I’m seeing the opportunity and with hard work this could become one of my revenue streams in early retirement. Currently I have about 180 images uploaded and about 25% have been sold, one image has been downloaded 120 times. Therefore I am seeing the opportunity. Realistically I feel at least 5000 images across various platforms is the way to go. Thanks again

By: Alexandros Moridis Thu, 12 Aug 2021 19:45:38 +0000 In reply to Jon R.

I totally agree my friend!! I gave up, was useless!!

By: Warren Leow Tue, 18 May 2021 10:00:45 +0000 Hi Polina, Michael, can you please include 123rf into the mix? It’s top 5, but it’s missing from the list here.

By: ManuelaGiorgia Tue, 06 Apr 2021 15:45:31 +0000 Thanks for this article, it was clear and helpful. I often search for advice about stock sites for contributors, and also among the most recent content I can find different opinions about the variety of possibilities that photographers can look for. It is not easy for beginners, however a targeted description as yours really helps.
Thanks again!

By: Mahadi Hasan Thu, 25 Feb 2021 05:16:22 +0000 I found this article very informative as a photographer. I think Shutterstock is the best among them. I got most of the sells from this site.

By: Karen Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:51:58 +0000 In reply to Henry.

I used to love Shutterstock as a designer but am increasingly displeased with them as a contributor. I shoot stock just for the love of shooting. I recently had my storage drive totally blow up and when I requested access to download my own images I was told I had to buy a subscription as a contributor, pay the subscription price but let them know I was downloading my own content so that it was not counted as income. I haven’t uploaded a single image since.

By: Jon R Mon, 01 Feb 2021 12:23:29 +0000 Scrolling through the most recent comments, (Scootros, from December 13, 2020, at 3:10 pm), is spot on regarding how Shutterstock and Getty now reimburse photographers. Getty has even done away with Licensed Managed rights, which is where the money used to be in stock when you could still earn a respectable dollar amount per licensed image. Now, everything is RF, I’m sure in an effort to compete with other stock micro sites and keep more for themselves. I started shooting for Black Star and then switched to Gamma-Liaison, which bought Tony Stone, and then Gamma was bought by Getty. Back then, you actually could make decent money shooting stock (before photographers, like myself, helped contribute to the stock photo craze by contributing images, which lowered each images’ value and drove prices down, that, along with the onset of Photoshop, digital and the constant fight over rights/usage). I had a commercial business at the time so stock was just another income stream. I had very few images in circulation at Gamma in the late ’80s and early ’90s, literally 20-30 images, and was receiving monthly royalty payments ranging from $150.00 (USD) to $2,400, kid you not. I could actually call my photo editor in New York and have a 30-minute phone conversation, honest to God, true! The relationship was the same at Black Star. That seems like science fiction these days when you have to communicate through “ticket” submissions and 2-3 day delayed email exchanges with non-editors (Shutterstock), but longtime shooters making points for themselves by responding to photographers’ inquiries. And their advice is usually useless. Not to mention the more recent first-pass AI editing system at some agencies, which is responsible for an onslaught of irate complaints by photographers, and rightly so, for having perfectly good images rejected because they are not being seen by real eyeballs.

Now I have about 800 images (I know this is miniscule compared to the thousands of images that some photographers have in their catalogs, but I don’t shoot fulltime anymore and stock doesn’t pay what it used to, so time is of the essence), on file with Dreamstime, istock, Shutterstock, Adobe/Folotila and used to work with Alamy, but they didn’t get a lot of action, and, like every other photographer on these same sites, I’m making pennies on the dollar and spending hundreds of hours to barely earn a $50.00 monthly royalty payment. It’s ridiculous. I don’t shoot commercial any more, just fine art and occasional assignment work, so I simply shoot stock to keep my hand in it, but still, time is time, and a lot of it is being wasted shooting stock. I’m rethinking the whole process.

In order to make a “living” at stock, you need thoooouuusands of images in circulation, and ideally, have a one-on-one relationship with one of the agency’s art directors to work with you to help produce shoots, which, frankly, I don’t know if they even do that anymore, but they did.

I may try exploring a couple of the other stock sites mentioned, but the result will likely be that. Sure, the royalty might be higher, but they are lesser known sites with fewer sales so it all evens out in the end. You’re not really earning any more money than you are now, but you may be saving a lot of shooting and editing time to get the same financial reward. Maybe that’s the way to go, I don’t know. I do know that I haven’t uploaded an image to any of the sites I’m on in at least two months because it’s become so discouraging.

By: Mark Condon Tue, 12 Jan 2021 23:14:21 +0000 In reply to Henry.

I can assure you this isn’t paid content, Henry. While we have affiliate links across the site, nothing on here has been sponsored, nor is it biased. The content of this article has been thoroughly researched, although we do appreciate your feedback!

By: Henry Tue, 12 Jan 2021 15:05:17 +0000 This looks like paid content. GettyImages might have a lot of customers, but you will never have a $150 sale for a photo. Most will be subscription downloads, that will earn you around $.05 per download. And if you ever want to delete a photo from your collection, they make it really hard for you to do so. I recently did that, and I had to send them a message to delete some files. Not only that, but they said that in the future, they would only delete photos if there was a legal problem with them, like they OWN my photos.

Shutterstock was paying around $.30 for download, and last year they brought it down to $.10.
Depositphotos also brought their earnings down.

Unless you have thousands of photos in your portfolio, your earnings on these sites will be pretty low.

By: Scootros Sun, 13 Dec 2020 04:10:53 +0000 In reply to Mark Condon.

Ok, I’ll reel it back in a little. Sorry mate. These are my views, based on personal experiences with both Getty and Shutterstock.

Shutterstock now gives contributors 0.10c per image. It’s not much use talking percentages like they do because , Shutterstock refuse to tell contributors how much an image actually sold for.

Yes, contributors can work towards “higher levels” according to the number of their images sold. These ‘levels’ see them earning into the thirty-cents-per-image-sold bracket. However, all contributors, no matter how long they have been a contributor and no matter how hard they work, get their levels reset to the base 10 cents per image sold on 1 January each and every year. Happy New Year. As an aside, the CEO of Shutterstock received a record bonus this past financial year. What a surprise.

On the subject of Getty, and like Shutterstock, they also refuse to reveal the selling price of images. You’ve indicated “$150 for a small image sold” and then mention the contributing photographer gets 20%. However, you didn’t mention in the Getty section that most all buyers buy using the subscription model, allowing them to pay well under $1 for each image. Therefore this supports my experience and those voicing their disgust on many forums, that the yield from Getty is one of the worse at, as low as, 0.03c per image. Getty also contractually bind contributors to be “exclusive” so no chance of improving sales on the same images elsewhere.

By: Philipp Thu, 01 Oct 2020 05:33:17 +0000 Nice List. At the moment I am also looking for video stock sites. At the moment you have the big sites like Shutterstock etc. also offering videos, but I am sure there will be a lot of smaller “boutique like” stock sites in the future.

By: Nic Mon, 17 Aug 2020 11:47:12 +0000 Hi Polina,
Thanks for this article. Interestingly, there’s another new kid on the block, Libertipix, which is a start up, they do authentic stock LGBTQ+ images, check it out. Great quality of image.
