Comments on: Making Money with Stock Photography The World's Best Photographers & their Camera Gear Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:08:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: worldpitou Thu, 24 Nov 2022 08:02:38 +0000 I don’t agree with this calculation.. In less than 2 years, I arrived at 1000-1500$ per month, and my revenues are increasing every month.
The thing is that I shoot a lot, around 1000 photos per month, it’s totally doable, and I’m not even a professional photographer, I just shoot when I travel (and travel photography is far from being the most profitable).
The only thing you need is a good organisation and some automated process to upload everything and spend the less time possible on the stock agencies. Once you have that, it’s just a number’s game. And as long as you photography what you like, it doesn’t even feel like you’re working.
So for me it’s totally worth it, I’m even shifting slowly to be full time stock photographer, as soon as I hit the 2k per month. If you want more infos you can contact me.

By: Bee Thu, 11 Aug 2022 06:31:44 +0000 If it takes five years to get 6000 images online to earn what you says is $500 (in today’s money), by the time five years comes around, you’ll need at least 15,000 images to earn that $500. and at 10% inflation per year, you’ll need to make that 30,000 just to earn what would be $500 today. It’s a total losing situation and no one should waste their time, especially with microstock. And this article needs updated as Alamy hasn’t paid 50% since for almost a year and a half.

By: Mark Condon Wed, 06 Apr 2022 00:11:13 +0000 In reply to Teresa.

Thanks for the real-world feedback, Teresa! Very interesting to hear your experiences with Getty.

By: Teresa Tue, 05 Apr 2022 19:01:31 +0000 Honestly it depends on what you shoot. I have 2,171 images on Getty. Last month I made $300, this month $245. Up to now it was closer to $150 a month, but that was with fewer images. I shoot what I like and as I process the images I will export one to a special folder for stock. Every few weeks I upload them and then use the Getty App on my phone to title and keyword which is very easy when I am bored or standing in line. I don’t go out of my way to shoot anything and never hire a model so my cost is basically zero. These are images I would have processed any way to put on Facebook or my own pleasure. As long as you keep it in perspective that isn’t a bad return for 10 minutes a month of keywording.

By: MuTru Tue, 08 Mar 2022 06:00:59 +0000 In reply to Start Our Own Agencies.

Unhinged rants should be removed.

By: Start Our Own Agencies Sat, 05 Feb 2022 03:15:19 +0000 In reply to Unhappy Shutterstock Contributor.

Yes I agree and share your frustration. Shutterstock, Getty and all the others are Anti-human freemasons (Satanists). They are all the one in the same made to look like separate competing companies, just like the oil companies, the car companies, the media, the banks, the insurance companies, etc… This is how the Cabal network operates in every industry… Not kidding.

If you do enough research you’ll come to the same conclusion (all you have to do is look at the content they promote the most and the recent change in policies, wording in release forms, logos, etc…). Dreamstime uses a pedophile symbol as their logo (according to an official FBI document that has been floating around the internet for many years). Seriously, It couldn’t get much more in your face.

Their business model is a win / lose mindset and are driven solely by shareholder profit and greed with no regard or respect at all for the contributor. Their philosophy is “If you’re not one of us (a freemason), you are nothing.” No joke, this is widely documented in their books in their own words and taught to their initiates on every level. A lot more people are starting to realize this now and I too quit Shutterstock when they decreased their petty 25%-20% commission just recently.

Freemasonry’s agenda is to slow down, subvert, confuse, deceive and misinform human progress in any way shape or form. You will see this if you look closely at the multiple satanic, anti-human agendas they have going on such as BLM (terrorist group owned by white, racist, bigot George Soros, created to dehumanize, demonize and demoralize white people, the most prominent race on Earth) (P.S. All human lives matter), Climate Change (Pushed by all the big corporations who are polluting the Earth. Strangely enough they always seem to point the finger back at us telling us we are bad for using their products which are endlessly pushed down our throats while offering us no other clean alternatives), Transgenderism and Transhumanism (confusing genders in young minds and merging tech with humans because apparently we’re not good enough, God messed up with us), (normalizing wheelchairs, heart attacks and disabilities (because they know the amount of destruction they are causing with their vax).

The only reason a topic is trending is because they are all pushing the same narratives. The Cabal owns the media companies, magazines, printing companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the governments, the stock agencies, the airlines, the hotel chains and every other major industry you can think of so when you see a topic as trending just realize that there is usually a nefarious, anti-human agenda behind it especially if it causes division or promotes victimization or human suffering.

They steal from the contributors more and more every year and after more than a decade in the stock business I’ve drawn a line in the sand and said “Hey, I deserve a much greater commission because I’m the one doing all the work”. I think 75% contributor commission is fair and certainly no less than 50% if justified.

Shutterstock makes upwards of 300 million dollars a quarter while the payouts to the majority of contributors are less than $300 a quarter. There is a serious disconnect here and I think it’s time the good people of the world started getting together to form stock agencies that respect contributor rights.

Where are all the good pro-human, pro-freedom, life loving web developers, marketing and business gurus?

Surely we can do better than this?!

Calling all website builders, developers, marketers, business people, IT system developers, network operators and everyone else involved in the stock photography eco system.

Let’s start getting together and talking about the future of stock photography. I have over half a million images and videos alone and I know there are many others like me out there who are disgruntled by the corruption and unfairness in our industry.

By: Joj Fri, 17 Dec 2021 09:18:16 +0000 There is also a great stock site for African content. worthy checking

By: Mark Condon Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:30:43 +0000 In reply to Cynthia Mccoy.

Glad to hear it was useful to you, Cynthia!

By: Cynthia Mccoy Wed, 08 Dec 2021 17:54:30 +0000 This site has very good information for someone who is unfamiliar with stock photography and thinking about getting into the business. I’ve never heard of stock photography until someone mentioned it to me. I did a wild search on the web and this site seem to have promising information. You opened my eyes to the subject matter and now I know what it is, what is needed to start out in it and to do well. Thanks for the information and I have book marked this site for info and suggestions.

By: haithamhazaymeh Mon, 25 Oct 2021 14:17:31 +0000 Thank you for this wonderful article, the article is very useful for all photographers to profit from the Internet.

By: Marcel Wiegerinck Thu, 21 Oct 2021 14:56:08 +0000 Nice article to read. I’m curious what most people are still earning from stock photos today. Maybe I’ll do an experiment to find out. Thank you for this valuable contribution.

By: David Onassis Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:30:51 +0000 In reply to Dipesh rai.

After two years at Dreamstime I have done 20,169 and it pays $100/month. Stock is dead, not worth the time, thought or effort.

By: David Onassis Tue, 12 Jan 2021 20:25:40 +0000 In REALITY world you need two things. One be exclusive at the agency and Two you need at least 100,000 to make money. The industry is swamped. You against millions. Reality. I have over 20,000 at Dreamstime. Don’t dream.

By: David Boag Sun, 10 Jan 2021 22:32:51 +0000 Good article – very honest. I have been a full-time pro wildlife photographer for near 40 years. I always worked on major commissions but once a book/commission was completed I sent the images to photographic libraries. In the 1980s I averaged about £1 per image per year and thought it would be a good pension. Now I average about 8p per picture a year. The effect of digital was to make photography so much easier – the effect of the internet was to make selling images possible for everyone. This is brilliant unless you want to make a living from photography – I am glad that I am retired and can just shoot for pleasure. Don’t be sucked into the web sites that claim you can make a good living from stock photography they are just trying to sell to you something that actually doesn’t work anymore.

By: Andy Tue, 22 Dec 2020 17:26:44 +0000 A really useful article with some great advice and tips. Thank you
