Comments on: What’s The Best Way to Buy Photoshop in 2023? (Price Guide) The World's Best Photographers & their Camera Gear Tue, 14 Mar 2023 23:14:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Moi! Thu, 07 Jul 2022 03:06:11 +0000 Having used Photoshop since it’s birth, contributing to its tweaks & improvements as a Beta Tester over the early upgrades, suggesting the competition’s advantages & tools to be integrated, let alone the push for ‘Layers’ finally in V4, like so many others out there doing the same, this software became the benchmark it enjoys to date..

However, as with most human idiocies, greed, power & the complacency that tags along with such blinding self-deprecating arrogance is stunning.

To loyal end users & those who only served to better the bottom line of this company throughout.

If Adobe wanted to protect their golden egg & revenues from such, going overboard certainly was not required, let alone acceptable in any way shape or form.

So many other companies over time made such fundamental short-gain choices, snuffing their own momentum if not severing their existence outright.

Suggestion: Offer your software in as many possible variances as one can to accommodate the end-user variances, instead of this pipe-lined blasphemy-style diatribe, showing absolutely ZERO mutual respect for why we are all here seeking this product still today… versus considering the host of considerable alternatives, seemingly borne of necessity because of simple arrogance.

Smarten up & fast pls, oh mighty Adobe policy creators… you are tailoring to minds that seek solstice in our bounding creative spirits here, not some evil minions ready to eat you if you sit still for too long for crying o9ut loud! Ease it up huge & fast! Thanks in advance,

~ Thanks in advance, A Creative Mind snuffed yet again by more BAD Decision Making Corporate Meetings & Stakeholder’s Uncaring Arrogance!

By: Carl Thu, 07 Jul 2022 02:44:17 +0000 In reply to kevin.


By: Joseph Asghar Thu, 03 Mar 2022 20:43:17 +0000 No thanks Adobe, with your rentier business model and your bloatware gimmicks. Affinity and Capture One work just fine for me.

By: Jade New Wed, 12 May 2021 06:46:23 +0000 In reply to Cory.

Yes you can.

By: Ernestas Tue, 13 Apr 2021 07:35:55 +0000 In reply to Mark Condon.

We were not paying for the upgrades. All I want is software to own. Now I will own Photoshop for free.

By: Harvey Marks Wed, 24 Mar 2021 18:47:28 +0000 In reply to Cory.

I Don’t know but I found a Workaround for PBR files to open in GIMP free program and will use it. I have a Photoshop vr 2013 that will not open the new pbr format. I will use GIMP to change the brushes to PNG files and then can either reimport into Photoshop or just finish in GIMP.

By: Cory Sun, 21 Mar 2021 06:15:37 +0000 Can a user still install free brushes like they were able to do with the older versions which were just installed directly on the computer or do you have to buy the brushes from Adobe?

By: Mark Condon Thu, 18 Mar 2021 23:09:56 +0000 In reply to Rekisha.

Thanks Rekisha – so glad you found it helpful. Best laptop? One of the new MacBooks with the M1 chip ;-)

By: Rekisha Thu, 18 Mar 2021 20:50:45 +0000 Thank you so much for your explanation!! It definitely helped me with my decision!!!! Can you also do an article on best laptops for graphic design as well??? Your writing is so simple to understand.

By: M Harris Thu, 11 Mar 2021 01:09:22 +0000 In reply to Mark Condon.

I’d love to say that Mac was an easy go to, but given the lack of local places to get support when an Apple product goes wrong, or having to wait for days for a turnaround by mail, it’s not an easy option to look at in semi-rural parts of the UK.
PC is the better choice due to that… I can get a PC fixed same day, most days.
If Adobe is so fast on the Mac though, I wish they could give the same kind of care to users of Windows based machines. They have stretched me to my limit, regarding the degradation over time.
It’s also very apparent when browsing their own forums, that they are steadily making so many others feel the same, which is actually shameful in many ways.
There is no arguing that they set the standards for editing over many years, and yet now, the alternatives are catching up, due to Adobe’s complacency, and their lack of interest in listening to users, thereby driving users away to fund the other companies.
Ignoring the users regarding performance and security issues is not a good policy over the longer term.

By: Mark Condon Wed, 10 Mar 2021 23:41:06 +0000 In reply to M Harris.

I guess it depends on the computer you’re running it on, Michelle – I’m running Photoshop 2021 Beta on a low powered MacBook Air M1 and it’s the fastest I’ve ever used it (sub-3 second start up time!)… but that’s mostly due to the Mac Silicon architecture.

By: M Harris Wed, 10 Mar 2021 16:17:38 +0000 Nice write-up about the good stuff, in fact, it’s pretty much a fluff piece.
You completely ignored the major con aside from the constant wallet hole, and you can check out Adobe’s own forums to confirm what the biggest one is… Ever since they went on the SaaS highway, performance has become worse and worse.
It slows down even top end machines after a time.
The number of what they call ‘necessary’ services is huge, and they don’t offer any way to opt-out of that.
You run everything they want, or you don’t get to use Photoshop or whatever other Adobe apps you want.
Also check into the security issues that having node.js constantly running in the background on your average machine can bring… There are far better ways for them to handle the cloud side of things, but they don’t and won’t, because those huge revenues are more important that customer care.
Of course, if you like longer boot up times, if you like having the performance of all your other background apps to be degraded, and enjoy ignoring security holes, then yes, Adobe CC is the greatest software ever…
Adobe CC has actually made me look at the alternatives seriously for the first time in many years. Even Affinity Photo is starting to look good now, for something lightweight to use whilst out with just a camera and laptop.
Do the serious stuff later on an overpowered studio machine, but for quick edits when out and about, Adobe is becoming less than fit for purpose.

By: Bill Tue, 02 Feb 2021 11:59:58 +0000 “With Photoshop Elements, you pay once and own it forever.”

I have two computers, a desktop and a laptop. I don’t do a lot of photo editing, it just gets done in ocassionally. In the past I have had to upgrade computers/harddrives/ or wipe the harddrive due to viruses. Whenever I tried to reload Elements more than once in any given year it would not complete loading. I had to call technical support and go through a lengthy process to convince their people that I wasn’t just passing around my disks to all my friends. This was time consuming and a hassle, so take “own it forever” with a grain of salt.

By: HPWong Tue, 19 Jan 2021 04:24:44 +0000 In reply to Greg Lamica.

I had CS3 and later, CS5. Like you, been unable to use them after upgrading to a new computer. Uses Photoshop only occasionally and uses its basic functions. Not worth paying for subscription. Never used Photoshop Elements before. How do you find it ? Worth getting it ? Will be trying out GIMP, which is free, and may even be able to get by with it. Still missing the Photoshop experience I’ve had for so many years.

By: Rob illig Fri, 15 Jan 2021 03:01:27 +0000 I don’t like a monthly fee, but the photography bundle at $9.99/month doesn’t distress me. I’m in a free trial right now, so I haven’t spent a penny. I would prefer to buy a year at a time.
